A Motorist’s Handy Guide to Resin for Windscreen Repairs

When your car's windscreen develops a crack, there are various solutions to fix the problem. One of the most affordable options that you can choose is repair via resin. While resin will not suffice for large cracks, it is quite handy for minor chinks and fissures that are not putting the windscreen in jeopardy. If you have never had your windscreen repairs with resin before, here is a simple guide about what you need to know. Read More 

5 Things to Do Before Taking Your Car to Recyclers

Do you have an old car that you would like to get rid of? Read on and discover some of the things that you should do before you surrender that car to auto parts recyclers.  Cancel Insurance Contact your insurance company and ask them to cancel the insurance policy on that car. Otherwise, you could end up continuing to pay insurance for that old car after it has already been dismantled and recycled. Read More 

Small Signs That It’s Time to See a Mechanic

If your car blows smoke out from under the hood every time you turn on the engine, or pulls so hard to one side that it's impossible to control when you're driving, then of course it's time to take that vehicle to a mechanic. However, not all signs of needed car repair are quite that obvious; note a few smaller signs that you should be aware of when it comes to your vehicle and its condition so you know to get repairs done as soon as they're needed. Read More 

4 reasons you need to switch to Toyo tyres now

Founded over 50 years ago, Toyo tyres have gained a worldwide reputation as the superior choice for any vehicle. But what sets these tyres apart, and why should you invest? Toyo is one of Australia's leading brands in this market, so read on to find out what sets this brand apart, and why you'll make sure that the next time you stop by a garage it's to get these installed. Read More